Oh Yum!! Scented with Pumpkin & Brown Sugar Fragrance oil this bar smells amazing and good enough to eat....but don't. You also get the added benefits of Goat's milk &...
Goat's milk, coffee essential oil, and a little coffee grounds makes this a nice exfoliating bar. Goat's milk is rich in nutrients. Goat milk soap is gentle and may help...
The perfect bar for your outdoor adventures! Nice lather and a wonderful blend of citronella & tea tree. This essential oil blend is said to repel mosquitoes and ticks.
Nature at its best. This bar blend the oils with local family honey and bees wax. Because of its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, raw honey helps kill bacteria that may cause acne...
Appleslice awakens your smell to the warm scent of apple strudel. The carrier oils of this bar are packed full of benefits. Neem oil is naturally anti-inflammatory & anti-bacterial. This...
Anointed is a lovely blend of lavender & myrrh. The active charcoal helps pull those impurities from your face/body. coconut oil, palm oil (This product comes from a supplier that's...
Sunrise contains goat's milk, sunflower, coconut, palm, avocado, and hazelnut oils to lock in moisture. Blended with the essential oils of Frankincense and myrrh: both have anti-aging properties to help...
Having a rough day? Wash it away with frankincense and lavender essential oils, which have a calming effect that can help to reduced stress. Using coconut, canola, palm, sunflower seed,...
Our blend of five clays and multiple oils work together to draw out impurities while locking in moisture. With the softer scents of lavender, sweet fennel, and patchouli to delight...