Made with rosemary, litsea cubeba, & pine scotch essential oils, oatmeal, goat's milk, and honey. All ingredients used to help purify the skin. Avocado, coconut, olive, and rice bran oils...
A delightfully natural way to lock in moisture and make your skin look healthy and new. Oatmeal and yarrow flower are both helpful in reducing inflammation. Coconut, olive, avocado, and...
A wonderful mixture of myrrh and frankincense essential oils along with alkanet root to help with the effects of wrinkles and aging of the skin as well as psoriasis and...
This bar will moisturize your skin using Shea butter, castor, olive, rice bran, and avocado oils. The babassu oil helps to fight acne and acne scarring. All of this amazing...
This soap is great for helping delay signs of aging, moisturizing and tightening your skin. Take advantage of the benefits from the avocado slurry and lemongrass essential oils. This combination...
The combination of palm, coconut, castor, avocado, olive, and rice bran oils create a wonderful way to help moisturize the skin. Adding in the soft scent of lavender will allow...
Hippie soap is great at moisturizing. It is packed full of goodness, Just to list a few skin loving ingredients: chia tea, tea leaves, honey and hemp oil, which helps...
This is the perfect soap for any hard worker. The pumice helps to scrub away the unwanted grime while the coconut, castor, olive, rice bran, and sunflower oils work to...
Deep Wood is blended with cedarwood atlas and cypress essential oils, giving it a lovely earthy smell. Perfect for those who like a more nature type smell. Let the aroma of...
This bar is as pleasing the the eye as it is to the nose. The mango butter has a wonderful anti wrinkling agents while the grapefruit, orange, spearmint, and litsea...