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Pumpkin Seed Oil is pressed from the seeds of the Cucurbita Pepo plant. This soap making oil is highly valued for its skin healing properties.
Pumpkin seed oil (PSO) is rich in vitamin E, zinc, omega 3- and 6- fatty acids as well as antioxidants, therefore it has tremendous benefits for the skin in terms of retaining moisture, fighting free radicals and maintaining a youthful appearance. The high amounts of zinc and vitamin E also improve skin tone, help wounds heal more rapidly, fight acne and help with skin renewal. Lastly, many of the minerals and vitamins have anti-aging effects as well.
Research has found PSO can inhibit the enzyme known as 5-alpha reductase enzyme, which has been shown to slow and stop hair growth by producing DHT from testosterone. It has also been shown to protect hair follicles and increase shine. Adding a nutritional supplement to your beauty routine that contains PSO like Aviva Advanced Hair Nutrition (Nussbaum is a spokesperson for the brand), which is also high in complex B vitamins and folic acid.
PSO, much like coconut oil, is great for improving hair quality. In addition to shielding the hair protein, it also hydrates the follicles, ensuring shiny, lustrous strands, especially essential for over-processed hair from relaxers and heat. Coconut oil also contains vitamin E, vitamin K and iron like PSO but pumpkin seeds boost your health abundantly.