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by Laura Toth on September 25, 2020

The health benefits of lavender essential oil include its ability to eliminate nervous tension, relieve pain, disinfect the scalp and skin, enhance blood circulation and treat respiratory problems.

The Latin name of lavender is Lavare, which means “to wash”, due to it's particularly clean aroma. The plant bears small blue violet flowers which impart a fragrant scent to the herb and are the most widely used parts. When we talk about aromatherapy, the first ingredient that comes to our mind is lavender. Essential oil from the lavender flowers has medicinal properties. Its pleasant aroma has a calming, soothing and sedative effect on the body and mind.

For Acne

Lavender oil has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties which can fight the bacteria causing acne infections, thus reducing the swelling and redness.

For Eczema

Besides soothing acne prone skin, lavender oil is a wonderful remedy for eczema. It relieves itching and decongests the irritated patches of skin by adding moisture, thus speeding up the healing process.

Heals Burns

The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of lavender make it beneficial for healing burns as well as the scars caused by them. This is because it stimulates cell formation which reduces scarring and enables the burns to heal quickly. It also acts as a pain reliever, thanks to its antiseptic action.

For Insomnia

Lavender essential oil is considered a traditional medication for promoting sound sleep. In folklore, people often filled their pillows with lavender flowers to enable them to sleep peacefully. This herb is beneficial for those suffering from insomnia, restless leg syndrome and exhaustion as it soothes the nervous system to induce sleep and relaxation.

For Anxiety and Depression

Lavender is effective in curing anxiety and depression through its calming, sedative and anti-convulsive effect. It is often used in herbal remedies for promoting relaxation and treating restlessness.

For Headaches

Lavender has proven to be effective in providing relief from migraine headaches and preventing the onset of a new headache.